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Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Ozone and Ozonators

First of all you are probably asking, what is ozone? Ozone is a form of oxygen that is created when electrical energy breaks apart an ordinary oxygen molecule starting a chemical reaction which results in ozone. Oxygen molecules are split, by a high-energy electrical discharge, resulting in two individual oxygen atoms and those individual oxygen atoms unite with remaining oxygen molecules to produce a three-atom molecule of ozone. The weak bond holding ozone’s third oxygen atom causes the molecule to be extremely unstable and thus, very effective as an oxidizer. An oxidation reaction occurs upon any collision between an ozone molecule and an organic molecule, such as bacteria, viruses, fungus and algae, where the oxygen atom held by the weak bond splits off and only oxygen is left behind.

Next I know you are thinking, that is a great chemistry explanation but how does ozone work? An ozonator system duplicates this process and produces ozone safely and in controlled amounts that can help the sanitizing system in your hot tub. When used together with a sanitizer like bromine or chlorine, an ozonator can deeply reduce the levels of chlorine or bromine needed to maintain clean water. This allows you to save money on chemical costs. Ozone has also been credited with helping extend the life of your equipment, reducing maintenance time and cost, and it purifies your water naturally. Ozone eliminates the need for weekly shock treatments as ozone is an automatic, daily, non-chlorine shock. With ozone you will be able to use 60-90% less chlorine or bromine which allows your ozonator to quickly pay for itself.

In order for an ozonator to be effective in helping sanitize your water it needs to run for 4-6 hours per day. 90% of all new spas come equipped ozonator ready and it is very easy to install an ozonator if it did not already come with one. Ozonators do need to be replaced about every 3 to 5 years so if you do have an older one and it doesn’t seem to be working as well as it used to it is probably time for a new unit.

If you a buying an ozone unit for the first time there are a few things to consider to make sure you get the best one for your specific tub.

Spa Size: The larger your spa the more powerful ozonator you will need.

Sanitation Level Needed: If you often have large groups of people using your hot tub, you will want an ozonator that has a more powerful sanitation output.

Electrical Needs: You will need to determine what voltage and style cord you need. Ozonators come with a variety of different cords and in 120 volt, 240 volt, or dual voltage options.

Ozone is a great option for your spa in providing a natural sanitizing system while allowing you to save money on chemicals. You will eliminate the need for weekly shocking, which will also save you time. Who doesn’t like to save time and money? With ozone you will have the cleanest, clearest sparkling water that can be found in any hot tub!

Friday, March 11, 2011

Pristine Blue, A Non-Chlorine Option

One of the few things that people dislike about swimming or hot tubing is the chemical odor that can come from the water—not to mention the burning eyes, itchy skin, and chlorine taste when you accidentally get a little drink of the water. Chlorine can also bleach swimming suits and the vinyl liners in pools. Chlorine can be hazardous to store and corrode equipment. Because chlorine has been the dominate product on the market for so long many people don’t realize that there are other choices out there.

If you are interested in going with a Non-Chlorine System, we recommend Pristine Blue. Pristine Blue can provide some advantages over chlorine if you are looking to get rid of the “chemical” odor and side effects that come with chlorine. Pristine Blue is gentle on the skin and eyes and allows for you to swim right after application, unlike chlorine with which there is a need to wait awhile before using the water. Being EPA registered in every state and NSF/ANSI Standard 60 certified shows that Pristine Blue is safe.

There are six different products that make up the Pristine Blue Non-Chlorine water system.

The first, Pristine Blue, is the cornerstone of the system, it works as an algaecide and bactericide while being environmentally friendly also. The active ingredient of Copper Ions, that is bonded with a unique carrier allows Pristine Blue to put enough copper into the water to control both bacteria and algae. The active ingredient is long lasting and stays suspended in the water making it so that after the initial dose you only need to test your level of Pristine Blue every two weeks and top it off as needed with more Pristine Blue, this makes water maintenance very quick and easy!

Pristine Clean, will work against scale and metal build up. Metal and mineral particles can come into your water from things like jewelry, hoses, and metal equipment, Pristine Clean prevents these particles from bonding to your pool or spa walls, keeping your surfaces sparkling clean. Pristine Clean can be added every two weeks when you check your Pristine Blue.

Pristine Power is a non-chlorine shock that dissolves quickly and removes odors, organisms, contaminants and body oils that can cause cloudy water. For swimming pools it is recommended to add Pristine Power weekly or biweekly depending on use, for spas adding the recommended dose of Pristine Power should be done after each use, but not exceeding once per day.

Pristine Extra is a di-chlor based shock that is used for initial startup. This product is 99% sodium di-chlor which dissipates very quickly and lets the water rapidly return to its non-chlorine status.

For clearing cloudy water, Pristine Clear will do the job. It brings suspended particles together which allows the filtration system to get them out of the water. Use Pristine Clear as needed with the recommended dosage to keep your water looking crystal clear.

Pristine Check is used to prepare the water before startup with Pristine Blue and also controls calcium in the water. Because Pristine Check collects all the excess calcium in the water before introducing Pristine Blue into the water, you need to make sure to give your filter a good clean after each use of Pristine Check. Pristine Check should be used in spas anytime the water is drained and refilled and in pools it is recommended to add the recommended dose of Pristine Check anytime you are adding make up water.

The Pristine Blue Mini Test Kit is the best way to test the Pristine Blue levels in your pool and spa water. You will also want to use test strips to test the total alkalinity and pH in your water. It is okay to use other pH adjusters with the Pristine Blue system, but you do not want to use any other metal out products, stain and scale products, algaecides, flocculants and cal-hypo shocks. Use of these products is not needed and may cause Pristine Blue to be ineffective in controlling algae and bacteria.

No matter what sanitation system you choose to use it is always very important to follow the dosing instructions of the product you are using and be sure to test and maintain your water as recommended.